Course Structure


No. Class Paper no. Name of paper

B. Sc. I



Paper- I DSC – 1A  Mechanics -I
Paper-II DSC – 2A  Mechanics -II
Paper - III DSC –1B  Electricity and magnetism - I
Paper - IV DSC – 2B  Electricity and magnetism - II
DSC - A Lab: Mechanics

B. Sc. II  


Paper - V DSC - C1 Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics - I
Paper - VI DSC - C2 Wave and Optics - I
Paper - VII DSC - D1 Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics - II
Paper - VIII DSC - D2 Wave and Optics - II
Practical’s Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics, Wave and Optics

B. Sc. III


Paper-IX DSE- 1 Mathematical Physics
Paper-X  DSE- E2 Quantum Mechanics
PaperXI   DSE- E3 Classical Mechanics
PaperXII  DSE- E4 Digital and Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
Paper-XIII DSE - F1 Nuclear and Particle Physics
Paper-XIV DSE- F2 Solid State Physics
Paper-XV DSE - F3 Atomic and Molecular Physics and Astrophysics
Paper-XVI DSE - F4 Energy Studies and Material Science
    Practicals Physics Laboratory Experiments