User Education / Library Orientation
As part of our commitment to serve our users in an effective way for supporting their information and research needs. Library offers for our users to learn more about library and its resources. User education/Library Orientation is offered through library open tours and lecture at library hall in the begging of each academic year. User Education instruction take place in the library. In the library students can experience hands on training with the library’s touch screen OPAC and library’s numerous collections. Instruction sessions are held on 2nd floor of the library.
A Library Orientation Program-Knowing your Library & Effective use of Library was conducted for Frist Year Students and newly Joined staff.
Shri. VijaysinhaYadav Arts and Science College, PethVadgaon
Aim of Program:
• To Increase the awareness about e –resources under N-list.
• To train the Users in accessing e-resources.
Targeted Audience
Report of Program: The program was inaugurated by Prin. Dr. M. Y. Bachulakar, in his address he emphasizes the library’s role in supporting teaching and learning activities of parent institution and expresses his concern about emergence of new technology in libraries. Librarian Mr. Chavan R. R. has delivered welcome speech and explained background of the program. He highlighted the importance of e-resources in academic process. There were 127 participants participated in said program. Training program intended to create awareness as well as acquaint the participants with the e-resources available under INFLIBNET N-list E-resource package.The workshop aims to inspire and motivate the participants to upgrade their skills in using e-resources.The overall workshop was very informative and appreciated by participants.
