Technological Infrastructure



Library Software: The library has been automated using Slim 21 Integrated library Automation Software - user-friendly library package developed by “Easy and Useful Pvt. Ltd.Kolhapur”. The software facilitates automated circulation (issue - return) of books and speedy access to bibliographic, location & availability information of the books. The operations of the library computerized and the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is accessible in library on 24j1; 7 basis. 



Barcode technology: Bar Code Technology for Issue and Return of Books has been used in library. All books have been entered in the database and the books are being issued through computer to all registered users.


Library has5 computers having 100 mbps band width connectivity & 2 printers for public access to users. We provide computing, internet facilities to library members free of charge.Our public computers are connected to the internet and Microsoft Office software is installed. Most web based email services can be accessed in the library. All our computers have security and anti-virus software and any device users attach to our computer will automatically be checked for viruses.

Printers and Scanners:All computers are connected to a printer and printouts are available in black and white charges apply for this service. Library also have an A4 scanner which can be used with specified computers; if you need to use the scanner we suggest that user should ask  the library staff  to discuss your needs as library cannot guarantee immediate availability and scanneris not supported on all computers.Anti-virus software is regularly updated and external devices are virus checked before use. 

Photocopier Machine: Black & White copier is available on ground floor. All users can get this service free of charge.Photocopying service was provided to users for reference materials like periodicals, reference books, and bound volumes etc. which are available for reference purpose only.


News & notification display:News related to college, students faculty and parent institute are displayed on notice board.